This 1:48 scale adobe room was purchased as an unfinished blank with display case by my exquisite mother-in-law for my birthday last year. She also purchased all of the accessories as well. Everything was made by an artisan from the Chicago, IL area who goes by the name of KM Wohrstein. Her products are simply awesome and I am looking forward to owning another room or two in the future. It turns out that I need another room anyway as I have some interior accessories left over. Oh darn! ;-)
Here is the room with a scale. I didn't purposely choose the quarter (quarter-scale haha!), it just happened to be the only coin I could find. There is nothing behind the quarter for the moment. I plan on making a side table and setting an old radio (printie)on it. I have a couple of books(again printies) to put somewhere too.

This is the pile of goodies that I have to work with. Obviously some of them are aleady in place. I only used one of the sandpaintings and I didn't use the runner that matches the area rug. They will have to find another place to live.

Here is the piece in it's display case. It fit so nicely in the plastic ornament, don't you think? I bought the stand separately at Hobby Lobby.

That is incredible. I'm amazed that anyone could work so small. Really impressive!
I'd say "you ain't seen nuthin' yet" but I'll hold off until my attempts at 1:144 scale work or not. ;-)
Glad you like it. :-)
OH WOW! That is so neat.....imagine the great Christmas gifts one could make...The room's so tiny!! Truly Amazing!!
Wow! That's just awesome. I love that it fits inside the bauble. Truly amazing! I want to try that now! Will add it to the list.
Katie: I did think about putting it on the tree this year. I don't really have room though. ;-)
Liberty: I have the kit designer's email address. I can send it to you if you like.
Oh Katie, those chairs are gorgeous! They will fit right into my palace too. Does the artist work in 1:12? Don't suppose he has a website..
this is just amazing how small and detailed you can work!...I have tried to make a glass snow ball...and it landed in the trash...that was a big failure :D
Your work is really amazing!!!
Sans: I don't think the artist has a website yet. But I will ask when I see her next. She hasn't worked in 1:12 scale to my knowledge, but I will look into it for you. I may not see her until September.
Eva: Thank you! What I love about this globe is that it is plastic. Harder for the cats to break this way. ;-)
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