The rules are: 1. I must list my five addictions...only 5? Eek. Hmm...
and 2. I must pass this on to 5 fabulous blogs. Again, only 5? Hmm...
As for the addictions:
1. Dollhouse miniatures. I can't stop thinking about projects and new ideas.
2. Natural fibers. Especially baby alpaca, camel, Angora rabbit.... oh the list is endless.
3. Mexican food. Real Mexican food, not Taco Bell or other fast food places. I want real tripitas, linguitas, flat enchiladas with a fried egg on top and lettuce and onions... eek I'm hungry now.
4. Chocolate. Really any kind of chocolate, but I do have a preference for dark chocolate. Especially dark chocolate covered, candied ginger.
5. Popcorn. If I smell it, I crave it. Movie theaters are a hazard. So is the shop in town that makes fresh popcorn, caramel corn, chocolate corn.... you get the idea.
Now for the five blogs. The true list of fabulous blogs that I read is closer to 100 than to 5. But here are five fabulous blogs that I haven't seen get the "Fabby Blog" award. That was the only way I could even begin to narrow things down.
1. Phlegmfatale at Fatale Abstraction
2. Maia at Maia's Twinkle Miniatures
3. Miz Minka at Miz Minka's Musings
4. Leigh at Leigh's Fiber Journal
5. Pamela Terry and Edward at From the House of Edward
5.11111111. Alice at Double Purr
What? There are still only five blogs listed. There are larger values of five in the world. Just ask any mathematician or scientists. Or in this case, any smart-aleck graduate from an engineering school.
There are another 80+ blogs out there that I believe are fabulous. You can find them by clicking their most recent posts on the right hand side of your screen. Please do so when you have a moment.
Thanks for the award, MiniKat! I appreciate the plug. :)
I don't think I'll have any trouble coming up with five addictions either.
What a delightful surprise! Edward and I are so pleased that you enjoy our blog enough to present us with an award!! Thank you! You've made our day!
Oh my, thank you! I am honored! (Will chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate, count as my five addictions???)
i'm honored and humbled that you should choose my wacky blog for this award. thank you, darlin'!
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