Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Slow Improvements

'Bert is slowly getting to feel better. His guts are still moving, which is great because he never hit a full stasis. I've slowly worked him up to 6 syringes of food a day, with 2 more of water. I want to get 8 to 9 into him each day for a bit but he's just so high strung that I'm purposely taking my time and limiting handling so he's not stressed more. Tomorrow will be our first 8 to 9 day. So far I've had him out twice a day for food and water. We'll see how he handles three times.

FH got wonderful medicine from the doctor on Sunday. He doesn't cough through the night now. Both of us can get sleep now. He actually seems much closer to 100% than he has in weeks.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Glad they're both on the mend...