Sunday, January 20, 2019

All Kinds of News

First: it's NOT a hernia! I just have to keep taking it easy for a couple more weeks and the pain should fade. Pixel was so excited she had to pop out of the dehydrator's box.

Second: FuzzyHusband successfully made it to the originally planned snowshoe hiking/camping area with his friends and they're off the grid. You couldn't pay me enough to be on the shore of Lake Superior right now. No sir and/or ma'am! I hope they're having fun though. Two critters in particular are missing him though.

Third: We got a wee bit more snow here, but mostly had crazy winds. Thankfully I don't even need to brush snow off the driveway to get out. Most of it ended up in the back yard.

Fourth: I'm about to start in on this lovely little number for one of the burlesque dancers. If possible I want to take a muslin of the jacket to rehearsal tonight. But we all know how good intentions go.

Fifth: I'm now officially part of the burlesque troupe as a production member. This means I'll be able to actually say I'm part of the group and not just their occasional seamstress. One of the things I'll be doing for them is orchestrating their social media presence and helping the other production member with the website when he's unavailable. Once the website is done and live, I'll be linking to it on the sidebar.

That's all the crazy news here. How are things in your parts of the world? See you next weekend and stay warm!

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