Friday, April 30, 2010

More News

We almost lost Confetti today. Her breathing was so labored that the vet couldn't hear her heartbeat. They pumped her full of Lasix and she managed to stabilize and tonight she's comfortable again. We have instructions to dose her as needed to keep her stable for as long as the medication works but there will come a point where it will cease to help.

Until this morning she was stable and enjoying every bit of life, and she seems to be content again for the moment. FH and I have decided that once the Lasix stops helping her quality of life will be totally worthless and we will have no choice but to have her put to sleep.

It was not an easy conclusion to come to, but neither one of us want to see her suffer. In fact we were both convinced we wouldn't be bringing her home this afternoon. She's been a fighter her whole life but I can see her beginning to get tired. I don't think we will have another miracle like we had today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Confetti Update

Just so everyone is up to speed, there will be no recovery for Confetti. The ultrasound this morning proved the vet's theory of a cardiomyopathy.Basically her heart is working harder because one of muscle walls has thickened. It's congenital, meaning there's nothing we could really do to prevent it.

We are working on getting her stable and then we'll see if medications can bring her some relief for a while. We're lucky it even got noticed since cats tend to be stoic when they hurt. She's comfortable in the sun right now, so here's to as much happy time as we have left. Currently she is on a medication for the fluid around her lungs and we just started a cardiac medication to help her heart pump better. We also have to give her fluids each day so the medicines don't dehydrate her, but not so much fluid that her lungs are put in danger. She also gets whatever she wants to eat, which is never much as breathing is hard enough right now.

Thank yous to everyone who have commented on the first post. It really means a lot to us.

I will be posting occasionally and will let everyone know how things are going.

This wouldn't be as hard if Castor wasn't so sick too....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Left Field

I won't be around blogland for a few days. Confetti's heart has started to fail and FH and I are working with the vet to see if we can get fluid expelled from her lungs. If that improves by tomorrow, we may have a couple of options to treat the heart.

I will keep you all updated when I can.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Minis From the Easter Giveaway

Since Debbie has received her Easter box of goodies, I can show everyone the surprise Easter minis from the giveaway.

In addition to the chocolate and bunny statue,
I made these Easter/spring themed minis for Debbie:I hope you enjoy the goodies, Debbie!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Blessing and Tulips

It still needs to be washed, blocked, and framed... but here's the latest finished stitching.I found the kit on clearance at Hobby Lobby on the 18th of March and have been stitching whenever I went to a Guild meeting. Why on Earth I bought a kit that has 41 French knots in the stitching (when I loathe them!) I will never know. But I needed something that wasn't all shades of one color or another to work on and this fit the bill. I just love the sheep! Wishing I had made one of them black with a gray face though.

Some of the tulips are opening in the gardens. These are a few that I could photograph from the deck.

That's all for now. I am going to be starting a new cross stitch in the vain hope I can finish it in time for the show next month.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nothing, Nada, Ziltch

Nothing new and fascinating today. The camera has hidden itself somewhere and I can't get pictures of the "about to bloom" tulips without it. Nor can I show pictures of the current stitching project since none exist.


I guess I'll get back to some housework so I can hurry up and finish the current stitching so I can start the piece that will hopefully get done in time for the Judged Show in May.

Monday, April 5, 2010

More Floral Surprises

More and more lovelies are popping up around the gardens.
I wonder what else is lurking beneath the soil...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Message from Albert Wilbert

Tempie is busy running binkies around the house, so I'm here to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Illinois or Wales?

It seems that the previous owner had a "thing" for daffodils.

Watching them in the breeze is just lovely.